Pastor Johnny Baker - ALTspeaker
Pastor Johnny Baker

Pastor and Global Executive Director

Johnny, a nationally recognized speaker and author, has been a part of Celebrate Recovery since the beginning of the program. Serving alongside his parents, the founders of Celebrate Recovery, his was among the first lives changed by the program. Johnny has served on CR staff since 2004, became the pastor of Celebrate Recovery in 2012 and is now succeeding his father, Pastor John Baker, as the leader of the worldwide movement. As an adult child of an alcoholic who chose to become an alcoholic himself, Johnny is passionate about breaking the cycle of dysfunction in his family and helping other families find the tools that will lead to healing and openness.

Check out Pastor Johnny Baker's THE ROAD TO FREEDOM: Healing from Your Hurts, Hang-ups, and Habits

This in person conference is for anyone looking to build on your foundational knowledge of how to successfully grow and run your Celebrate Recovery. At this conference you will get:

  • Face-to-face connection with the national and global team of Celebrate Recovery.
  • Hear from years of expertise and wisdom on how to run a Celebrate Recovery effectively with practical tips from our team.
  • The ability to have face-to-face conversations and networking with other leaders from Celebrate Recovery across the region.
  • Extensive and informative training for you and your team to help grow and develop you and your ministry.
  • Opportunity to meet and talk with State Reps and CR Ministries Reps face-to-face.
Pastor Johnny Baker

Pastor and Global Executive Director

Mac Owen

Global Director

Rodney Holmstrom

Global Field Director

Cheryl Luke

Cultural Communities Director


5:30pm - 6:30pm


8:30am-10:00am- Main Session

10:00-10:30- Break

10:30-12:00- Main Session

12:00-1:00- Lunch

1:00-2:30- Main Session

2:30-3:00- Break

3:00-4:45- Main Session


 Get $10 OFF per ticket if you purchase 4 tickets or more!
